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Build Free Backlinks 


     In this Articles that you can build free Backlinks to increase your Google ranking for free. I mean, well obviously this Article free. But what I really mean is that the techniques. I'm gonna show you cost exactly $0 to put into practice. However, just because these tactics are free. Dosen't mean that they're not effective. These are the same techniques I use to build links form sites like the New York Times, HubSpot, Inc.com


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    From sites like the New York Times, HubSpot, Inc.com and Search Engine Journal.This article is all about link building a link also now as a build free backlink is when one website places a clickable link to another website in it's content. then someone clicks that link they jump to that new destination for example someone clicks this link in this article on zapier.com, they get taken to my website. 

Why do we care about backlinks? 

    Links are one of the most important ranking factors in Google algorithm. I am kind of big deal. Hindi study by backlinko, dekh paaun that websites in the top positions and Google have more back links than website in lower positions. That said, link building is easier said than done. It takes time and reques you to learn a new skillset, which is why many people just end up paying for backlinks. But you really don't need to pay. There is always based to build free backlinks for free are should I say that correct ways to build free backlinks for free and diaries in correct ways. 

    As I was researching for this video, I found tons of videos recommending out dated techniques, like block comments, as a way to build free backlinks. Bro, black comments have not worked since pokémon go was a thing. So in this article I set up to spill the beans on free back link techniques that all actually give you massive results. And I will even give you out reach scripts so you can start putting these techniques into practice today. And here is the kicker. The best links on the planet or the ones you cannot pay for. So whether you pay for links or not, pay attention to this article if you want the best links possible. And make sure to stick around to the end because the last technique gets the best of the best. 


        The first technique is what I like to call the fixer upper. Back gonna look at where our competitor got links. And persuade those websites tooling to us instead. This one works like crazy.


Build Free Backlinks
build free Backlinks

     If I were to Google "blog commanding guide,"  I'd find this guide here with 188 referring domain build free backlinks, according to my toolbar. And if I open it up? Sure enough, it's old as dirt. 2013, which might as well be the middle ages when it comes to SEO. Next your gonna figure out who all is linking to this article using it too like Ahrefs are the free trial of ubersuggest. Here is what a bad link report looks like for that blog comment article in Ahrefs. I wanted to highlight this article from Blue host. Blue host easier major internet brand. After you start a blog to be relevant today not for 2013. So that brings as to the last step. Send them and email pitch asking them to link to our up-to-date article instead. Here is how that will look. First you go over to that contact page and snack the press email. This one type eagle works best. Then you send them on email like this, "Hey blue host team, this article you wrote, inset URL, is referencing some outdated device. You recommend blog commenting as a viable way to promote your blog. But this article from search engine journal quotes a Google employee saying that it does not work anymore and has not for a long I notice you don't have HARO as a promotion strategy in your article I wrote a comprehensive guide on HARO here. Would you mind linking to it in your article? I will write you the paragraph if it would save time." It's as easy as that. And then you repeat it again and again for all the sites that are linking to that outdated article.


Build Free Backlinks
build free Backlinks

        Since we just mentioned HARO, let's jump on over to that. What is HARO? HARO stands for help a reporter out. It's platform that allows jorunlists to request quots from experts to use in their articles. it's gotten me tons of links like this one here from Forbes. For example, let's say that a journalist is writing an article in the New York Post about people that work online and they wanna quote from someone who works online. So they might propose a question like, "what's the best thing about working online that most people don't realize?" well, that's convenient because you work online. So you hit them up and drop some knowledge bombs about being a digital badass.when they use your quote, they'll give yo a link back to your website. Easy breezy. Let's go! Too easy, dyde. Give me that crown. Boom. Here's the tactics that ypu need to use to get the best results fro, HARO. Each day, HARO will send out a list of opportunities You need to jump on this right away and give your quotes before anyone else does. Speed is the key. These journlists have deadlines so they're tring to wrap up their articles ASAP.

    Next, don't get lazy. After you do a few of these, you might start giving half-assed answers to their questions. You want to answer each question as if you know you're gonna get that build free backlink. Visualize, focus c the end gold whatever you gotta do. Just try to hit a home run every time. Lestly, answer as many questions as you can. If you are website is about knitting, if you sit around waiting for only knitting quotes to come up, you are gonna die before you get five links. Remember, you work from home. You might manage people and you have had other jobs. You could essentially right content on anything related to business like hiring, self motivation, or what ever. I made with some advanced HARO tactics so make sure to check it out after you finish this one. 

03. Article round UPS

Next step on the list is to get your content placed in article round up posts. You know those post bad people recap the best content in a particular industry, like my monthly SEO news roundup when I highlight the most interesting news in SEO are this expert round up that I participated in for rank Ranger. Let me give you the perspective of someone who actually puts content like this together. Scaring the internet for the mother's best articles Hindi sew space is a bit of a time sync. It takes time to short throw basically the entire web for qualified content. It's a huge pain in the ass to be honest, and it's much easier when people send me that article proactively. 

  But the thing is, after I have put up a post, I cannot be (beep) to go edit the article and your article to the list. It's written. It's done. The goose is cooked. So to get your content placed in these articles, you need to get ahead of them. Here is how you do that. Here's yeah punch of search terms you should use to make a huge list of the roundups in your niche. Keyword, like SEO, Plus link roundup, keyboard plus roundup, keyword plus best of, this week plus keyword, and this month plus keyword. 
Build Free Backlinks
build free Backlinks

Next you wanna get the email addresses for this applications using a to Hunter.io or just using that contact form. Now, as soon as you right a piece of content and it goes live, you want to email these guys with an email template like this. I just finished up a piece of content on SEO optimization that would be a great fit for your SEO use roundup. It highlights 5 tested ways that AI can be used to build rankable content."this is where you highlight the unique you benefits that you are article would add to the readership. If you could include it in your roundup, I would be more than happy to show that round up with my audience and encourage my readers to subscribe 

04 broken link building

The next free link building technique is broken link building. Broken link building is when you identify when you sight links out to another URL, Baddi URL they are linking to his dead. Maybe the other website deleted that post aur the website is completely shutdown itself. Either way, the link is broken and that's bad for SEO. So what people usually do is email a website with a broken link and say, hey there in your article you are linking out to, inset broken URL which no longer exists. I recently wrote on updated, current year version of that article here, insert your URL. If you would like to update your broken link, reboot really appreciate it if you considered our article instead. 

   But before we start saying broken link building is so 2018, it does not work anymore, you are right. It does not work anymore unless you add a little twist to it. People don't care about fixing their old content even if it had broken links. But if I posted something fairly new that I know people are reading then hell nah. I want if fixed. Find a big site in your niche that has a lot of link going to it. So far me let's use backlinko.
Build Free Backlinks
build free Backlinks
Plop them into Ahrefs ' site explorer and search best buy links. Then set the http filter to 404 not found. This will bring up a list of articles that don't exit anymore ordered by how many domains link to them. This prevent Google penalties articles at the top clicking on that number, you get a list of all those suffering  domains. But if you order by first seen, you will get the most recent articles first. These are your target sites. Now go back and send that same template and watch your conversation rate double.
Build Free Backlinks
build free Backlinks

 Odys is a premimum domain maketplace and is my one-stop shop for money site domains. I've been using Odys domains for two main purposes. First is for building websites with a headstart instead of having to start from scratch. This site is only a few months old and it's already getting 100 visitors per day. Secound, Odys domains are great for 301 redirects to give an instantaneous boost to an existing website. The domains on Odays are all handpickedand vetted for quality. They stock powerful domains with great build free backlink profiles in a variety of niches. And they also covery your ass by making sure by making sure that all the domains have a clean history and have never been used for any funny business. Sugn up for Odays.and get a $100 welcome bonus in your dashboard.

05. Link Exchanges

The next free link building technique is link exchanges where you trade someone for a build free backlink. you link to them and they link to you. Are link exchanges Google safe? Here are the Google guidelines on link exchanges. They say "Excessive link exchanges, 'Link to me and I'll link to you," are listed under what they call link schemes. The keyword here is excessive. As long as you don't do this too much and make it your primary link building technique for crying out loud, Now, the problem with link exchanges efficient way to our outreach and build free backlinks. This is what I mean. If you're gonna take the time to find websites you want links from and send them emails offering them more value like through a guest post, which we'll get to later, is much more effective. simply asking for a link swap wastes the attention that this person graciously gave to you. So here's what you do instead. As you very well know already, your email inbox gets spammed a billion times a day from people trying to get a link on your website. But if you actulally take the time to see who is asking, you'll see that many of these websites are actually quite good. And since they reach out to your site asking for a link, they're gonna be super relevant to you. Instead of just ignoring these outreach requests, respond to the people with the websites that you'd wanna link from and ask for a link exchange. 

06 Linkable Assets

Next up, we have linkable assets. This is the art of making content that attracts link like a magnet. There's various types of content pieces that work best as linkable assets. Research studies and statistic pieces do really well. Ahrefs ran a case study where they built an SEO statistics page. It's still pulling link crazy. Why does this work? Because writers need to reference statistics when the're creating content. And typically when they reference data, they link. Another linkable asset type is a free tool. HubSpot made an online calculator for advertising ROI based on some super simple math and it's pulled a butt load of referring domains. Then we have definitive guides.There;s hardly any search volume for anchor text optimization, but I made a definitive guide anyways and it's pulled massive links. Now that you understand what types of linkable assets can be mad, here's a framework on how to create them. Step one know your Audience what are their likes and dislikes? SEOs like data and guides so that what I create. But people into fitness like hot bodies so I'd make somthing that helps them achieve that like a fitness calculator, or helps them look at more of them like a roundup of the fitness people on the planet today. Step two, figure out what's already working by reverse engineeing your competition. Step three, Start to collect data. Make sure you're getting data from multiple sources of information. It helps with credibility and, of course, linkability. Step four, make it look beautiful. Trust me on this one. Looks matter when it comes to linkable assets. 
Build Free Backlinks
build free Backlinks

Step five, Share it. Post it on you blog. Then share it on social media, your email list, and outreach about it. Step six, rinse and repeat. Every year or so, update your asset and begin promo again. 

07. Guest Posting

Next up, we have an oldie but goodie, and that's guest posting. What is a guest post? It's when you offer to write free content for someone. And in that content, there's an expectation that you'll have a link to your website. Many people say that guest posting can't be done for free these days because all online publishers are expecting money for a guest post. But that's because these people are going about guest posting the wrong way. Inc doesn't accept money for build free backlinks. you have to think outside the box to get on sites like this. one of my favorite techniques for getting free guest posts is the rankable content guest post pitch. What you're doing here is offering the right content that a website should be able to rank for you. Offer to do free SEO for someone. If you wanna get a link from HubSpot, the first thing you need to do is figure out who are their weaker competitors. Next, You're gonna use Ahrefs' content gap tool to figure out what are the keywords that these other weaker sites rank for but HubSpot doesn't. Right away, you can see this WiseStamp ranks for a term "email signature examples"And considering that HubSpot has 1,38,000 articles on email, you'd think that they want to. Now, you just send them an email pitch like this. "Hey John, I was doing some research and found some topics pieces that you could easily produce and pull traffic for. In fact, WiseStamp ranks for this and they have a fraction of your authority, Email Signature Examples. I'd like to write this for you, free of cost, in the form of a guest post. I've actually done this before on, insert example website, who is now ranked number three for their topic. If this sounds good, let me know, and I'll start this evening." This script converts crazy as hell.


The next technique is called the favor. It's when you do somone solid and they feel obligated to help you out in return. What are some nice things you could do for someone else's website, but also don't take a huge amount of work to do? How about a list of unlinked brand mentions? Where people mention a website, but they don't link to them. You're giving someone a list of oppertunities for themselves to get links. The way you do that is go to Ahrefs' content explorer and type in someone's brand name at the top, then minus their domain name. This will give you a list of all the content on the internet except that person's site that mentions their brand. Now you select highlight unlinked. and type their domain name to pull up who doesn't link to them. Now export and you have something to send out in your pitch email. 


Next, we have digital PR. Which is not only the way to get the best links on the planet, but the most in a single effort. What you're doing here is creating newsworthy stories and getting them in front of the eyes journalists in the biggest online publications. on which tech companies have had the biggest impact in the 21st century. It leverages data and polls to achieve its conclusions. To do good at digital PR, you need to start with a relevant story. What subject is particularly important today? Then you wanna make your content as linkable as possible. This almost always means that you wanna include a lot of hard data. And lastly, you wanna be able to get this in front of journalists that are interested in that subject. 

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